Nectar Alchemy

is taking an intentional Pause

Nectar Alchemy is taking an intentional pause.

I have been called for a little while now to pull back from my business in order to take space and time to reflect, re-evaluate, and replenish.

There have been many small and some large things happening in the background of my life that have led to this decision, including a deep internal pull to discover what really lights me up in this life.

I know some of you may relate to this - feeling like your current life situation doesn’t feel quite right or like it’s enough in some ways. Anyway, I’m deciding to listen to my intuition and allow myself to pause my current life commitments in order to pursue what does truly feel aligned to me. It’s incredibly exciting and scary at the same time. And that’s okay, because I think leaning into the edge of our comfort zone is where we find growth and I intend to do lots of changing & growing through this whole process.

I do not intend to walk away from Nectar Alchemy. It has always been founded on my passion for holistic & natural healthcare and that passion has not dissipated. However, the services that I offer through this channel may look different in the future. It may include more workshops, courses, and interactive digital libraries and realms. I want to find a way to share my knowledge with more people, in a way that is more accessible to a wider group of people than purely through 1:1 consultations.

I am trusting in this intentional pause. I am focusing on filling my cup. And I am excited to come back to Nectar Alchemy when I feel ready to.

Blessings on this journey of life and may you all find ways to fill up your own cup, to find what inspires you and lights you up!

With love,
